Finally, an implementation of a new

Murray Stokely murray at
Thu Mar 3 18:28:54 GMT 2005

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 07:01:47PM +0100, Devon H. O'Dell wrote:
> Which red? The Beastie logo was an old version; a new one has been
> uploaded. This is Chris' submission for the new logo. Ideally whatever
> we use for the new logo should be placed there.

The red used for the <h1> headers.  You updated all of the other
colors to blue but you left the hot red section titles from the old
design which clashes with your new cool color based design.

> Which other patches are available? Are there any links? I'll take a stab
> at cleaning up the structure of the site tomorrow and doing the dropdown
> boxes.

I think the best thing to do is to look through the archives for the
last 3 months for posts about this from Ceri, Simon, and others.
There are links to other designs and ideas.  That is the best way to
see who else is working on redesigns and how best to collaborate.
There have been nice additions posted here and there, but nothing that
all together made a huge improvement, so there is room for people to
come in and take stock of the different ideas that have been posted
and integrate the best components together.

I know that there is also some work in Perforce now, so maybe finding
a recently built version of that work would be helpful.

     - Murray

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