[30-05-05] Layout update
Fafa Hafiz Krantz
fteg at london.com
Wed Jun 1 02:55:03 PDT 2005
> So far i have only seen complaints from you and no actual contribution
> to the discussion and ideas. If you want to talk along, please consider
> thinking what can be done and what looks great instead of just
> complaining.
So far? You seem very impatient.
The day I show you how my passion for FreeBSD looks, you'll be amazed.
Whether you believe or doubt that, drop your claim.
> We need a simple site that does what it needs to do; we do not have to
> be a big player for that. Please keep your head on your shoulders; it's
> currently flying away from you.
We need a new site.
FreeBSD is a big player.
FreeBSD is the world's most respected Open Source operating system.
Why are you trying to act smart?
By stomping on my head?
> Life isn't about winning competition's. The contributors to FreeBSD
> think it's just a way of life to help eachother instead of winning etc.
> Other operating systems might have that opinion but i personally think
> we are just a happy camp of users who are willing to create a great
> product. So my advise would actually be ; bring your ideas so we can
> think with all of us (with usefull feedback instead of rants!) how we
> want to have the new freebsd site.
All I'm saying is that there's currently a logo competition.
There should also be a website competition.
Fafa Hafiz Krantz
Research Designer @ http://www.bleed.no
Composer @ http://www.zoukclub.com.my
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