Event: EuroBSDCon 2005, University of Basel, Switzerland

Simon L. Nielsen simon at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jan 9 03:06:53 PST 2005

On 2005.01.09 10:53:12 +0100, Marc Balmer wrote:

> Please add the following event to the list of events on 
> www.freebsd.org/events/events.html:
> EuroBSDCon 2005.  November 25th-27th, 2005, University of Basel, 
> Switzerland.  http://www.eurobsdcon.org/

Thanks, I just added it so it should be online within the next 24
hours.  I just based the description on the one for EuroBSDCon 2004,
so if you prefer some other text, just submit the text and I will
update it.

I'm looking forward to attending :-).

Simon L. Nielsen
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