www/78026: French company which provides services based on FreeBSD

Adrien Auzanneau adrien at fr.claryss.net
Thu Feb 24 15:00:34 GMT 2005

>Number:         78026
>Category:       www
>Synopsis:       French company which provides services based on FreeBSD
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    freebsd-www
>State:          open
>Class:          update
>Submitter-Id:   current-users
>Arrival-Date:   Thu Feb 24 15:00:33 GMT 2005
>Originator:     Adrien Auzanneau
Claryss Networks
Thanks to add us to your commercial vendors isp page.

<a name="claryss" href="http://www.claryss.com" id="claryss">Claryss Networks</a><br />
We invite you to be a part of Claryss Networks, powered by our secure and dependable technologies and backed with years of experience. See the FreeBSD difference. Based in <b>France</b>, we provide shared and dedicated hosting, housing, consulting, outsourcing...

Have a nice day.


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