www/90861: Listing for ISP Vendor Category
Mette Sorensen
mette at servepath.com
Fri Dec 23 11:00:29 PST 2005
>Number: 90861
>Category: www
>Synopsis: Listing for ISP Vendor Category
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Responsible: freebsd-www
>State: open
>Class: update
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Fri Dec 23 19:00:15 GMT 2005
>Originator: Mette Sorensen
<b>ServePath</b> is a managed server hosting and data center provider located in San Francisco. We deliver powerful, affordable <a href="http://www.servepath.com/servers/freebsd_dedicated_servers.htm?src=freebsdorg">FreeBSD dedicated server hosting</a>, custom-built to meet your requirements. ServePath gives you the freedom to choose from different processors, multiple hard drives, RAM upgrades and a variety of software and service options. On the network side, all of our servers include full 100Mbps burstable connections to the Internet, with HSRP protected private VLANs. All ServePath FreeBSD dedicated servers give you full root access, and you can choose from multiple FreeBSD release versions. Learn more about ServePaths custom-built <a href="http://www.servepath.com/servers/freebsd_dedicated_servers.htm?src=freebsdorg><b>FreeBSD dedicated servers</b></a> at <a href="http://www.servepath.com/servers/freebsd_dedicated_servers.htm?src=freebsdorg">www.ServePath.com</a>, or
call us at 866-321-PATH.
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