PR submit confirmation mail website link

Daan van de Linde daan at
Thu Sep 23 09:19:30 PDT 2004


I submitted a bug through the send-pr utility and got a confirmation mail  
 from gnats. In that mail was a link to my pr report:

Opening that link in Opera/lynx/links was unsuccesfull due to the  
incorrect html.
Looks like only the last lines of the page were send.


ps. when replying, please keep my e-mailaddress in the cc, I'm not on the  
www mailinglist

pub  1024D/EF91DE9B 2004-04-22 Daan van de Linde <daan at>
      Key fingerprint = 7973 3FDE A607 5033 BE1A  6704 BDEC 35EA EF91 DE9B
sub  4096g/C28986FD 2004-04-22 [expires: 2004-12-31]

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