colour on h2 tags

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Wed Sep 8 15:01:44 PDT 2004

On 2004.09.08 13:54:25 -0700, Jesus R. Camou wrote:
> Hello list, 
> I would like to ask for opinions.

You asked, so that's what you will get... :-).

> The internal pages (www/es/internal) use a color scheme for
> h2 tags (#990000).  Seems like these pages are the only pages that use that colour scheme.  What
> do you think about using <font color="#990000"> on h2 tags in the rest of the pages?

I think it's a bad idea to add more font tags, since we really should
create a proper CSS stylesheet instead so everything will be

No, I don't have the time at the moment to actually create a CSS
stylesheet (or extent the current one), but I think adding more font
tags is a big step in the wrong direction...

Simon L. Nielsen
FreeBSD Documentation Team
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