Suggestion for "Platforms" sidebar items

Tom Rhodes trhodes at
Tue May 25 07:19:21 PDT 2004

On Tue, 25 May 2004 09:37:20 +0200
Christian Brueffer <chris at> wrote:

> On Sun, May 16, 2004 at 01:48:10PM -0700, Jordan Hubbard wrote:
> > For each architecture in the list of Platforms, you can get a pointer 
> > to the mailing lists devoted to it and some general information, but 
> > nowhere is a pointer to the latest release of FreeBSD for that 
> > platform!   It seems to me that one of the first things a person 
> > interested in "FreeBSD for platform X" would want is a pointer to the 
> > installation media for that particular platform, no?
> > 
> Yeah, that would be a Good Thing.  I'll look into it later this week.

Thanks, I had already started but be my guest.  :)

Tom Rhodes

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