Removal of the gallery

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Tue Mar 30 05:30:10 PST 2004

On 2004.03.30 15:22:26 +0200, Rainer Duffner wrote:
> Hi,
> I assume only the "list of users" will disappear, not the gallery of 
> "Powered by FreeBSD"-logos ?
> That would be a bit sad.

No they will stay, somewhere on the website.  I plan to make some kind
of page with FreeBSD "art" where they will be placed.

> I agree that such a "list of users" is probably very difficult to 
> maintain and merely keep in a semi-current state, though one might want 
> to keep a few very well-known sites (and/or sponsors) in a separate part 
> of the site.
> (Links to netcraft's Top 50 Hosting Sites, Top 50 uptimes etc. - whatever)

There is already a few in the Handbook introduction section [1]...
Perhaps there should be a link to that from somewhere.


Simon L. Nielsen
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