1FCDBSD - One Floppy CD Audio and MP3 Player

BSD Daemon xvudpapa at savba.sk
Wed Mar 17 14:22:16 PST 2004


I developed One Floppy CD Audio and MP3 Player, the first such mini 
distro in the world. It was accepted by Freshmeat.net:
and it won an AWARD at SmartDownloads.net:

It is actually like an embedded system - a tiny One Floppy CD Audio and 
MP3 Player based on FreeBSD 4.5, good if you want to use an older PC as 
a Hi-Fi player replacement. No hard disk or monitor is necessary. You 
need only to know few commands to play all your MP3 files from a CD or 
even a DOS, FAT16, or FAT32 partition. The mini distro also contains an 
Audio CD player, features a few Unix commands, and a playlist can be 
copied into the filesystem from the DOS diskette drive by a simple 
command, as it all resides in memory. The system mounts FreeBSD 
paritions too. The distribution can be useful for people who have less 
money, as old and cheap computers can yield really cool sound with good 

If you find this information useful, you can publish it. And please be 
so kind and notify me.

The developer,
Juraj Sipos

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