www/64120: /mnt/www/en/ports/needs to be re-run
Alexey Zelkin
phantom at FreeBSD.org.ua
Thu Mar 11 14:46:44 PST 2004
On Thu, Mar 11, 2004 at 02:10:14PM -0800, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> On 2004.03.11 15:40:22 -0600, Mark Linimon wrote:
> >=20
> > The top-level 'ports' webpage does not yet reflect the new
> > net-mgmt category. The category is already listed in the
> > files 'categories', so it seems likely that no one remembered
> > to run the script.
> Without having checked I'm rather sure the reason is that those pages
> are based on INDEX and that hasn't been updated since the addition of
> the new category.
> The proper solution is of course not to use INDEX from CVS but a freshly
> build one, but I don't have the time to implement that at the moment.
IMO, The proper solution is to leave it as is. Even using INDEX www/en/ports
is most time and cpu consuming part (except *maybe* doc/) of www tree.
We don't need to get www builder machine into yet another ports index
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