rm -rf gallery/

Linh Pham question at closedsrc.org
Wed Mar 3 12:00:04 PST 2004

On 2004-03-03 14:54 -0500, Bill Moran <wmoran at potentialtech.com> wrote:

# Whoah!
# I'm glad I saw this email, I wasn't paying much attention, but luckily
# I saw this before it was done.
# I would have a HUGE problem with this being removed.  I've actually got
# new customers as a result of my company being listed on the commercial
# page.
# I understand that a lot of links are broken and that it's hard to
# maintain ... but it has been of TREMENDOUS benefit to us.
# If a doc commiter is willing to do the officials, I'm willing to dontate
# my time tracking down the broken links and fixing up the page (it would
# benefit me more anyway, if there were less broken links obscuring my
# listing)
# Please don't delete this, I'll help maintain it, it's put money in my
# pocket.

I would have to agree with Bill and am willing to help clean up and
maintain the gallery as well (though my time outside of work is rather

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Linh Pham                                         question at closedsrc.org
Webmaster and FreeBSD Geek                          http://closedsrc.org
Apprentice Manager Editor and Writer           http://www.daemonnews.org
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