FreeBSD's Visual Identity: Outdated?

Frank Pawlak fpawlak at
Mon Dec 27 17:44:07 PST 2004

This is one of several issues that have been brought up on an almost 
periodic basis for the past several years.  There have been several 
attempts by various folks, including a rather ambitious one by this author, 
and all have died because of severe lack of interest.  It has been a few 
years since I have posted to this news group but my advise to you is to 
give it up.  You will only meet with much frustration, apathy, and 
something along the lines of " if you don't like it fix it yourself".

I consider this very unfortunate, because has some commercial properties 
that could well be more attractive than other OS'S.  The development team 
just is not interested in this issue.  I have fought many a battle in years 
past over marketing issues with members of the core team and others.  OK, 
everyone lets see you flame throwers.....  Wes Petters, Jordan Hubbard, are 
you out there....;-)


At 06:57 PM 12/27/2004, Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg wrote:

>Simon Burke wrote:
>>>2. If it wasn't for the interesting content and structure of the FreeBSD
>>>   website, it would be among the less beautiful. Yes, it serves its
>>>   purpose well by being simple and straight to the point. But a redesign
>>>   could offer just the same -- simplicity and accuracy -- without being
>>>   ugly.
>>Aesthetics are not everything, the web site does what its supposed to
>>do. Also i actually like how it looks.
>>A lot of people have strong feelings about all these all singing all
>>dancing webistes. There is just no need. Keep it simple and easy to
>>navigate around thats all thats really important. If the aesthetics
>>really matter more than function to such people who use BSD then they
>>would probably be not using BSD but either windows or linux, where you
>>have a nice pretty GUI to look at all the nice pretty sites.
>This is where I think a lot of people simply does not understand the problem.
>Im a FreeBSD user. I like FreeBSD because it does not have all the flashy 
>installers and pretty GUI's that many linux distros seems to have today. 
>But still, Ive been screaming for years for someone to improve the 
>website. Why?
>Anyone that has stood in front of a boardroom full of CEO's or similar and 
>tried to promote the use of FreeBSD in a big organisation knows why. They 
>might like all the facts about the os, the rock-solid stability, the 
>lightning-fast performance and its solid reputation as a server os, but 
>one look at the website and they will run screaming towards the nearest 
>linux advocate instead.
>We, the users, might not care about our image, but if we want to be taken 
>seriously by the rest of the world we better do something about it!
>>>4. There should be some kind of FreeBSD business card and letterhead
>>>   available to all that support this project.
>>I have to ask why? why would people need such things? that i just dont
>Clearly, you have not tried to "sell" FreeBSD to a big corporation.
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