RFC: Restructure of the front page

jonathan michaels jlm at caamora.com.au
Mon Dec 1 12:34:32 PST 2003


On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 12:12:21PM -0800, Gary W. Swearingen wrote:

> Tom Rhodes <trhodes at FreeBSD.org> writes:
> > o Removing the 'News' section.  Most of the information there is
> >   repeated on the right bar.
> Good move, but what's to happen to the /news/ pages?
> http://www.freebsd.org/releases/index.html  has a link to
> http://www.freebsd.org/news/newsflash.html
> Maybe replace news/*.html with "no longer in use" pages, to cut down
> on bug reports, etc.

yes, i think that would be a good idea, it would also cut down on teh
confusion in peoplesminds and teh mailing lists questions regards the
perenial "whats current (ly supported)?" after every noe crop of new

also it is a passive way to keep people updated, especially those who
do not follow teh relevent mailinglists concering teh release adgenda
and so forth.

> Along the same lines, "Release Information" is rather esoteric and
> could be confused for a verb phrase.  How about "Version information"
> or "FreeBSD versions"?
> The "Release Information" link should be above the "Getting FreeBSD"
> link, because one should learn about the releases before getting one.

me thinks that tehis too is a good addition that would also help the
many (now) first timers (i mean teh never used berkeley unix before,
or any similar type of operating system before) and perhaps the more
casual linux user, maybe even teh ms nt v4 sys admin as well. 



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