RFC: Restructure of the front page

Ceri Davies setantae at submonkey.net
Mon Dec 1 11:04:56 PST 2003

On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 01:31:28PM -0500, Tom Rhodes wrote:

> +			    </a><small><br/>
> +			      &#183; <a href="smp/index.html">i386/SMP</a><br/>
> +			      &#183; <a href="platforms/alpha.html">Alpha</a><br/>
> +			      &#183; <a href="platforms/ia64.html">IA64</a><br/>
> +			      &#183; <a href="platforms/ppc.html">Power PC</a><br/>
> +			      &#183; <a href="platforms/sparc.html">Sparc</a><br/>
> +			      &#183; <a href="platforms/index.html">More?</a><br/>
>  			    </small></p>

I'd rather see amd64 there than powerpc, purely because it's pretty much
finished, and is more current hardware.

Also, I'm unsure about the "i386/SMP" bit, as it gives the impression
that SMP is not supported on other architectures, which is not the case.

> +			      &#183; <a href="doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/problem-reports/article.html">Crafting Bug Reports</a><br/>

Could that be changed to "Writing Bug Reports" please?  I don't have a
good reason for this - I just don't like the word "crafting" in this
context - so I'll defer to popular opinion if it goes against me. :-)

Thanks very much for making progress on this, it looks good.


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