[Bug 245125] [PATCH] Typo in hccontrol/le.c

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Sat Mar 28 12:35:39 UTC 2020


            Bug ID: 245125
           Summary: [PATCH] Typo in hccontrol/le.c
           Product: Base System
           Version: CURRENT
          Hardware: Any
                OS: Any
            Status: New
          Severity: Affects Some People
          Priority: ---
         Component: wireless
          Assignee: wireless at FreeBSD.org
          Reporter: marc at bumblingdork.com

I found a small typo in hccontrol (disble/disable):

marc at devnovo:/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol $ hccontrol le_enable
Using HCI node: ubt0hci
Usage: le_enable
le_enable [enable|disable] 
Enable LE event 
marc at devnovo:/usr/src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol $ hccontrol le_enable disble
Using HCI node: ubt0hci

Patch below should fix it.

Index: usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol/le.c
--- usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol/le.c   (revision 359389)
+++ usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol/le.c   (working copy)
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
                set_event_mask(s, NG_HCI_EVENT_MASK_DEFAULT |
                set_le_event_mask(s, NG_HCI_LE_EVENT_MASK_ALL);
-       } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "disble") == 0)
+       } else if (strcasecmp(argv[0], "disable") == 0)
                set_event_mask(s, NG_HCI_EVENT_MASK_DEFAULT);
                return USAGE;

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