Bjoern A. Zeeb bzeeb-lists at
Thu Nov 8 14:48:08 UTC 2018

On 27 Oct 2018, at 18:43, tech-lists wrote:

> On 27/10/2018 18:50, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> ugen1.3: <Ralink 802.11 n WLAN> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH 
> (480Mbps) pwr=ON (450mA)
>   bLength = 0x0012
>   bDescriptorType = 0x0001
>   bcdUSB = 0x0200
>   bDeviceClass = 0x0000  <Probed by interface class>
>   bDeviceSubClass = 0x0000
>   bDeviceProtocol = 0x0000
>   bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0040
>   idVendor = 0x148f
>   idProduct = 0x5370

This is indeed a Ralink RT5370, so run(4) as it attached.

There seem to be at least 4 versions of the “TP-LINK TL-WN321G” all 
being Ralink chips.
Earlier versions were indeed Ralink RT25xx based it seems, which is 

I’ve updated the man pages to reflect this:

Thanks a lot for reporting,

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