urtwn broken at r291262

Steve Wills swills at FreeBSD.org
Sun Nov 29 05:09:51 UTC 2015

On 11/28/2015 20:58, Steve Wills wrote:
> r290630 is indeed broken for me. I'm building with your suggested change
> now.

No luck with the suggested change, but perhaps I misunderstood. Here's
the diff I have:

Index: if_urtwn.c
--- if_urtwn.c  (revision 290630)
+++ if_urtwn.c  (working copy)
@@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@
                } else  /* IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_MGT */
                        qsel = R92C_TXDW1_QSEL_MGNT;
        } else {
-               macid = URTWN_MACID_BC;
+               macid = URTWN_MACID_BSS;
                qsel = R92C_TXDW1_QSEL_MGNT;

Is there something else I can change or debugging info I can provide?


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