Add USB glue to ath(4) for AR9271

Ben Woods woodsb02 at
Wed Jun 3 15:17:19 UTC 2015

Hi there,

I just wanted to ask if anyone has intentions to add the USB glue to
ath(4) to support AR9271 chipsets.

I have a Think Penguin TPE-N150USBL which is a USB 802.11n wifi dongle
that uses the AR9271 chipset, and has been "certified by the Free
Software Foundation".

There is currently no support for it in FreeBSD, as highlighted here:

Given how well Atheros chipsets are supported for PCI devices, I think
once the USB glue was added they could be great performers (perhaps
the only USB wifi dongles with 802.11n capability on FreeBSD)?!

The output from usbconfig(8) is below:

# usbconfig -u 1 -a 2 dump_device_desc
ugen1.5: <UB93 ATHEROS> at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps)
pwr=ON (500mA)

  bLength = 0x0012
  bDescriptorType = 0x0001
  bcdUSB = 0x0200
  bDeviceClass = 0x00ff  <Vendor specific>
  bDeviceSubClass = 0x00ff
  bDeviceProtocol = 0x00ff
  bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0040
  idVendor = 0x0cf3
  idProduct = 0x9271
  bcdDevice = 0x0108
  iManufacturer = 0x0010  <ATHEROS>
  iProduct = 0x0020  <UB93>
  iSerialNumber = 0x0030  <12345>
  bNumConfigurations = 0x0001

From: Benjamin Woods
woodsb02 at

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