Multiple ssid or multiple radios with hostapd

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Tue Jan 6 16:01:35 UTC 2015



* you can run one hostapd - just not via the startup script. You can
just pass it multiple config files at the command line. Try it and if
you make it work, we'll figur eout how to teach the hostapd rc script
about taking a specific config file parameter so we can list config
files there.

* yes, you'll need >1 ssid on a radio, regardless .:)

* yes, the atheros chips have one radio and one baseband, and our
framework only supports it being in one channel AP mode at a time (ie,
not switching between multple channels/bands.)


On 6 January 2015 at 07:57, Peter Ankerstål <peter at> wrote:
> On 01/06/15 16:53, Adrian Chadd wrote:
>> Hi!
>> It should be pretty simple:
>> wlans_ath0="wlan0 wlan1"
>> ifconfig_wlan0="create flags go here HOSTAP"
>> ifconfig_wlan1="create flags go here HOSTAP"
>> Then you populate /etc/hostapd-wlan0.conf and /etc/hostapd-wlan1.conf .
>> Hm, this isn't well documented at all. Ok, time to update it.
>> -adrian
> Thanks, this is what I did. (ie run two instances of hostapd). But is it
> possible to run just one?
> in the other case then, when I need two ssid on the same radio? This should
> be simple I guess?
> and finally a not so related question. I guess my radio (AR9300) cant runt
> 2.4 and 5ghz at the same time?
>> On 6 January 2015 at 02:28, Peter Ankerstål <peter at> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Im trying to get hostapd to work with multiple wifi cards (and multiple
>>> ssid
>>> on a single card) but I cant get how to do it from the manual. And when
>>> searching the googlez I dont get much.
>>> Thanks.

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