TP-Link TL-WDR4300 Support

Adrian Chadd adrian.chadd at
Sat Jan 3 03:05:45 UTC 2015


Yup. It seems that I'll have to update the mktplinkfw stuff with more
up to date board information.

(Wonder if I can buy one of these things locally..)


On 2 January 2015 at 16:25, Mike <russiane39 at> wrote:
> Ok, original TP-Link uboot is refusing to accept images without
> TP-Link header and lacks many useful commands, so I reflashed mine
> TP-Link with alternative U-Boot to quickly check, will it boot FreeBSD
> or not.
> In case someone else wants to do it too, here is what I did:
> 1. Downloaded compiled pepe2k uboot
> ( from
> 2. Flashed from original TP-Link uboot:
> tftpboot 0x80800000 uboot_for_tp-link_tl-wdr3600-43x0_oc_600_400_200.bin
> erase 0x9F000000 +0x10000
> cp.b 0x80800000 0x9F000000 0x10000
> reset
> 3. After that FreeBSD started booting. Pastebin:
> 4. I should warn, that printenv is changed dramatically after this uboot update:
> Before:
> bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=31:02 rootfstype=squashfs
> init=/sbin/init
> mtdparts=ath-nor0:256k(u-boot),64k(u-boot-env),6336k(rootfs),1408k(uImage),64k(mib0),64k(ART)
> bootcmd=bootm 0x9f020000
> bootdelay=1
> baudrate=115200
> ethaddr=0xba:0xbe:0xfa:0xce:0x08:0x41
> ipaddr=
> serverip=
> dir=
> lu=tftp 0x80060000 ${dir}u-boot.bin&&erase 0x9f000000 +$filesize;cp.b
> $fileaddr 0x9f000000 $filesize
> lf=tftp 0x80060000 ${dir}db12x${bc}-jffs2&&erase 0x9f050000
> +0x630000;cp.b $fileaddr 0x9f050000 $filesize
> lk=tftp 0x80060000 ${dir}vmlinux${bc}.lzma.uImage&&erase 0x9f680000
> +$filesize;cp.b $fileaddr 0x9f680000 $filesize
> stdin=serial
> stdout=serial
> stderr=serial
> ethact=eth0
> After:
> bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 root=31:02 rootfstype=squashfs
> init=/sbin/init
> mtdparts=ath-nor0:256k(u-boot),64k(u-boot-env),6336k(rootfs),1408k(uImage),64k(mib0),64k(ART)
> bootcmd=bootm 0x9F020000
> bootdelay=1
> baudrate=115200
> ipaddr=
> serverip=
> bootfile="firmware.bin"
> loadaddr=0x80800000
> ncport=6666
> uboot_addr=0x9F000000
> uboot_name=uboot.bin
> uboot_size=0x10000
> uboot_upg=if ping $serverip; then tftp $loadaddr $uboot_name && if
> itest.l $filesize == $uboot_size; then erase $uboot_addr +$filesize &&
> cp.b $loadaddr $uboot_addr $filesize && echo OK!; else echo ERROR!
> Wrong file size!; fi; else ERROR! Server not reachable!; fi
> firmware_addr=0x9F020000
> firmware_name=firmware.bin
> firmware_upg=if ping $serverip; then tftp $loadaddr $firmware_name &&
> erase $firmware_addr +$filesize && cp.b $loadaddr $firmware_addr
> $filesize && echo OK!; else ERROR! Server not reachable!; fi
> stdin=serial
> stdout=serial
> stderr=serial
> ethact=eth0
> --
> With best regards from Russia, Mike

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