Change for the worse in rsu wireless driver

Idwer Vollering vidwer at
Wed Jun 4 21:39:53 UTC 2014

> On 06/04/14 08:53, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> > On 06/04/14 04:13, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> >>> Yes, please apply by hand. I'll see if I can do some testing myself.
> >>> I happen   to have one of these adapters too and the link is very
> >>> unstable :-)
> >> --HPS
> Hi,
> Please test the following patch, applied to top of 10-stable as of now:

I'm on 10-STABLE r267049, with a local change to
sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_rsu.c that reverts EW7622UMN back to RTL8192SU_3.

> At least my adapter is working a bit more stable now :-)

Mine seems to get stuck in "rsu_calib_task: running calibration task" often.

> --HPS



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