Centrino Wireless-N 1000 support is also broken (Re: iwn(4) in -HEAD supporting Centrino Wireless-N 135)

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Tue Apr 29 19:37:19 UTC 2014


Ok. So r258030 changed the antenna configuration for transmitting to
use the tx chainmask from the EEPROM settings,r ather than hard-coding
it to IWN_ANT_AB. This is needed because a bunch of NICs actually
don't have two antennas and if you feed it IWN_ANT_AB it just plainly
doesn't work.

So, if you try -HEAD, but you set antmask_2stream to be IWN_ANT_AB,
does it fix the problem?

Ie, add this line

linkq.antmsk_2stream = IWN_ANT_AB;

.. just after this line:

linkq.ampdu_limit = htole16(4000);



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