ath not working after a motherboard and ram upgrade

Joshua Isom jrisom at
Sun Mar 31 19:03:25 UTC 2013

I switched it to 4Gb shortly after you mentioned 32 bit pci.  I've been 
using amd64 for so long I forgot about 32 bit memory limits.

On 3/31/2013 1:38 PM, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On 31 March 2013 10:49, Joshua Isom <jrisom at> wrote:
>> I seems someone working on the kernel's already figured out how to deal with
>> this.  The hw.physmem sysctl can be set at boot time, with 2Gb it seems to
>> be working fine.  I reinstalled all the sticks, and it's working fine with
>> the sysctl set to 2Gb.
> Ooooooo Yay! I mean, damn, that's busted. But yay, now we can narrow
> down what the problem is!
> Try bumping it to 4GB. It should be fine at that.
> If it is, please create a PR with all the above information and I'll
> start re-reviewing the DMA / buffer code to see what's going on.
> Thanks!
> Adrian

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