[IWN] Reviw split 2

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Wed Jul 31 15:08:30 UTC 2013


There's some more whitespace things to fix in your diff.

->......>.......>.......bus_dmamap_sync(sc->rxq.data_dmat, data->map,
->......>.......>.......    BUS_DMASYNC_POSTREAD);
->......>.......>.......DPRINTF(sc, IWN_DEBUG_ANY,
+>......>.......>.......>.......DPRINTF(sc, IWN_DEBUG_ANY,
 >......>.......>.......    "%s: scanning channel %d status %x\n",
 >......>.......>.......    __func__, scan->chan, le32toh(scan->status));

.. notice how you've indented DPRINTF there? You should fix that. :)

+#define IWN_DESC(x) case x:>...return #x
+#define COUNTOF(array) (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))

There should be a tab between the #define and the thing you're
defining, rather than a space.

+ * This function print firmawre register

.. typo, that should be "firmware" :)

+    "CSR values: (2nd byte of IWN_INT_COALESCING is IWN_INT_PERIODIC)%s",
+    "\n");
+>......for (i = 0; i <  COUNTOF(csr_tbl); i++){

.. there needs to be a tab in front of the two lines after the
DPRINTF(). Well, strictly speaking, there should be a tab (to bring it
to the same indent level) and then four spaces (as it's a continuation
of the line above it.)

Now, you're making IWN_DEBUG an option, right? Once you've done this,
I'll go make sure you can put it in the kernel config file as a build
option (and I'll enable it by default on i386/amd64.)



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