Please Test: Updated Ral Driver Patch for rt2860/rt3090

matt sendtomatt at
Tue Mar 13 00:58:17 UTC 2012

On 03/12/12 17:48, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> .. I'm going to leave this up to you guys/girls/etc to sort out.
> Let's get this updated ralink NIC driver into -HEAD already! Even if
> CCMP doesn't yet work let's still get it into the tree and then work
> on why CCMP is failing.
> Adrian
It looks like Aleksandr is merging ral together on zrouter.
I assume we'll go with that version if that's okay with him.
Somehow he's back to one rt2860.c, not sure if he merged them together 
or what.
File structure is more like maybe updated?
I'm pulling down an hg clone right now and I'll see if I can compile & 
run it.

CCMP was working for least I didn't have any problem 


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