SR71-A (AR9160) no longer detected in FreeBSD 9

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Tue Jan 31 00:51:10 UTC 2012


On 30 January 2012 16:36, Shant Kassardjian <shant at> wrote:

> Dear FreeBSD-Wireless team,
> I'd like to inform the dev teams that I just upgraded my system from
> 8.2-stable to 9.0-stable using CVSUP and my wireless card SR71-A (AR9160)
> is no longer being detected. If I roll back to the old kernel, everything
> is working great. Here is my kernel config for wireless:

> and changed AR5416_DEFAULT_TXCHAINMASK from 1 to 7
> after compiling the 9.0 kernel, pciconf returns the following undetected
> devices:
> none2 at pci0:1:15:0:      class=0x028000 card=0x40820777 chip=0x0027168c
> rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
>    vendor     = 'Atheros Communications Inc.'
>    device     = 'AR9160 802.11abgn Wireless PCI Adapter'
>    class      = network

Can you please boot verbosely (eg type "boot -v" at the loader prompt, or
select the relevant option) and post the entire boot log?

I test frqeuently with AR9160's and I've had zero issues, both on MIPS and
i386. It's quite likely it's a cardbus/pci resource allocation issue.


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