Intel 6250 and WiMax

Lev Serebryakov lev at
Mon Apr 9 08:59:46 UTC 2012

Hello, Bernhard.
You wrote 9 апреля 2012 г., 12:52:01:

>>  Here are driver for Samsung WiMax USB dongle, and it works as-is,
>>  without any WiMax stack, as simple ethernet NIC. But, maybe, non-usb
>>  devices are other story, I don't know.
> Guess it depends on the device driver, it might contain its own
> stack.
  It looks like Samsung USB stick contains stack in firmware, because
 driver is VERY simple and has size of several KILOBYTES of C code,
 really, only couple of USB commands like "set SSID", "get signal
 strength", "send frame" and "poll for received frame", and it's all.

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at>

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