AP performance (again): txpower regulation

Lev Serebryakov lev at serebryakov.spb.ru
Fri Sep 9 15:33:33 UTC 2011

Hello, Adrian.
You wrote 9 сентября 2011 г., 16:08:41:

> * short retries are "I sent an RTS but didn't hear a CTS."
> * long retries are "I sent the frame but didn't hear an ACK."
  Thanks for explanation.

> Since the default athstats doesn't spit out the ofdm and cck errors, try this:
> athstats -o
> input,output,altrate,short,long,xretry,crcerr,crypt,phyerr,rssi,ofdm,cck,rate
> 1
 UDP Client -> Server, 20Mbit limited, from server's point of view:

[  3] 63.0-64.0 sec  1.30 MBytes  10.9 Mbits/sec   1.231 ms    0/  927 (0%)
[  3] 64.0-65.0 sec   917 KBytes  7.51 Mbits/sec   9.829 ms    4/  643 (0.62%)
[  3] 65.0-66.0 sec   929 KBytes  7.61 Mbits/sec   4.200 ms    4/  651 (0.61%)
[  3] 66.0-67.0 sec  1.21 MBytes  10.1 Mbits/sec   1.662 ms    4/  864 (0.46%)
[  3] 67.0-68.0 sec   923 KBytes  7.56 Mbits/sec   1.172 ms    4/  647 (0.62%)
[  3] 68.0-69.0 sec  1.15 MBytes  9.68 Mbits/sec   1.116 ms    5/  828 (0.6%)
[  3] 69.0-70.0 sec  1.15 MBytes  9.65 Mbits/sec   0.889 ms    3/  824 (0.36%)
[  3] 70.0-71.0 sec  1.14 MBytes  9.58 Mbits/sec   1.073 ms    5/  820 (0.61%)

 athstat's point of view:

   input   output altrate   short    long xretry crcerr crypt  phyerr rssi     OFDM      CCK  rate
 2734208  3163110   99418       0 2004400  60564  98493     0    2398   37 264025506  2028885   24M
     563        7       0       0       1      0    246     0       0   37    13622      167   24M
     910       10       0       0      13      3    186     0       1   36     8170      131   24M
     699        9       0       0       8      2    221     0       2   36    11723      130   24M
     795        9       0       0       6      1    221     0       2   37    10411      222   24M
     846        9       0       0       8      1    175     0       0   36     8884      121   24M
     872       11       0       0      12      1    199     0       1   36     9784      148   24M
     947        8       0       0       0      0    153     0       2   36     7855      120   24M
     883        8       0       0       6      1    129     0       0   37     8994      113   24M
     836        9       0       0       8      2    195     0       0   36     9243       93   24M
     912        5       0       0       6      1    213     0       2   36    10616      106   24M
    1048       10       0       0       3      0    169     0       2   37     9601       93   24M
    1047       10       0       0       6      1    148     0       0   37    10565       93   24M
     685       12       0       0      20      5    233     0       0   36    12632      102   24M
     719        9       0       0       4      1    255     0       0   36    12199      111   24M
     854        8       0       0       1      0    183     0       0   36    10493       96   24M
     907        6       0       0       3      0    198     0       0   36     9169       86   24M
     848        8       0       0       4      0    190     0       0   36    11049       93   24M
     444        8       0       0       4      1    189     0       0   37    14784      100   24M
     604        9       0       0       0      0    156     0       0   35    12800      102   24M
    1010        9       0       0       6      1    236     0       0   36    10268       86   24M

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at serebryakov.spb.ru>

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