AP performance (again): txpower regulation

Lev Serebryakov lev at serebryakov.spb.ru
Thu Sep 8 14:08:56 UTC 2011

Hello, Berislav.
You wrote 8 сентября 2011 г., 17:38:30:

> i think thatб  you have problem with interference from 802.11N
> based AP (i see 5 ht ap from scan). you can try changing channels
> (13,14 channel) and txpower (txpower 0-10) and see what happens.б  
  Channels 13 and 14 are not available to me :(

ateway# ifconfig wlan0 list channels
Channel   1 : 2412  MHz 11g          Channel   9 : 2452  MHz 11g
Channel   2 : 2417  MHz 11g          Channel  10 : 2457  MHz 11g
Channel   3 : 2422  MHz 11g          Channel  11 : 2462  MHz 11g
Channel   4 : 2427  MHz 11g          Channel 149 : 5745* MHz 11a
Channel   5 : 2432  MHz 11g          Channel 153 : 5765* MHz 11a
Channel   6 : 2437  MHz 11g          Channel 157 : 5785* MHz 11a
Channel   7 : 2442  MHz 11g          Channel 161 : 5805* MHz 11a
Channel   8 : 2447  MHz 11g

  txpower 10 on current channel drops signal on client without visible changes on bandwidth
// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at serebryakov.spb.ru>

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