[patch] Fix TBTT, TSF handling for TDMA on AR5416 and later chips

Yin paradyse at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 02:38:26 UTC 2011

Hi Adrian,

OK! I will test it now and let you know the result.  :)


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Adrian Chadd <adrian at freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hi Yin, all;
> I've done a bit of tidying up of Yin's TDMA related cleanups.
> In particular, I've added a new capability (HAL_CAP_LONG_RXDESC_TSF)
> which the AR5416 and later chips set. This indicates the received TSF
> is 32 bits rather than 15 bits.
> Yin, would you mind testing this in your local setup and make sure it
> works the same as your patch? I'll submit it for inclusion into -HEAD
> / 9.0 if it does.
> Thanks again for your great work!
> adrian

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