Ath issues on -CURRENT > Mar 31

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Sun May 8 09:04:13 UTC 2011

Is it somehow loading in two copies of the driver?

Can you please build a kernel without if_ath and if_ath_pci, then load
those as modules?


On 8 May 2011 16:22, richo <richo at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use an atheros based pccard nic on my laptop with 9-CURRENT.
> The last time I was able to build a working kernel was 20 march (the current
> kernel I'm using is=20
> FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT #1 r219786:=
>  Sun Mar 20 15:26:26 EST 2011     richo at
> r/src/sys/GENERIC  i386
> a few weeks later UPDATING included this message:
> 20110331:
>     ath(4) has been split into bus- and device- modules. if_ath contains
>   the HAL, the TX rate control and the network device code. if_ath_pci
> contains the PCI bus glue. For Atheros MIPS embedded systems, if_ath_a
>     contains the AHB glue. Users need to load both if_ath_pci and if_ath
>   in order to use ath on everything else.
> TO REPEAT: if_ath_ahb is not needed for normal users. Normal users onl
>     need to load if_ath and if_ath_pci for ath(4) operation.
> I'm still using default config, but any kernels I build panic if I boot with
> the NIC plugged in. They boot fine with it unplugged, but if I plug in the
> card
> it immediately panics.
> Booting with verbose logging on, I see this (I typed this out by hand after
> writing it down, so it's possible that it's slightly incorrect. I did double
> check it, though):
> pcib2: allocated memory range (0xf6010000-0xf601ffff) for rid 10 of
> pci0:3:0:0
> unkown: Lazy allovation of 0x10000 bytes rid 0x10 type 3 at 0xf6010000
> cbb0 Opening memory:
> cbb0 Normal: (0xg6010000-0xf601ffff)
> cbb0: Opening memory:
> panic: duplcate map 10
> I have confirmed with pciconf -l that pci0:3:0:0 is my ath nic.
> I have the backtrace, but I only wrote down the function names. I can write
> down the whole lot if it will help though.
> --
> richo || Today's excuse:
> Increased sunspot activity.

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