net80211 - my short-term feature list(s)

Adrian Chadd adrian at
Sat Apr 9 09:36:42 UTC 2011

Hi everyone,

I'd like to just jot down what I'm planning on squeezing into net80211
before 9.0-RELEASE occurs.

I'd appreciate it if others would comment and add to this list.

Regulatory stuff:

* Survey what's going on with the atheros regulatory stuff and what's
supported by net80211
* Bring unity to this stuff
* Look at some better userland exposure to the regulatory database

TX stuff:

* Per-rate TX power support
* Better integration with the driver to communicate what -exactly- is being
programmed into the hardware, versus just the regulatory limit (since they
may be different)
* Extend net80211's rate control stuff to support multi-rate retry
* Port ath_rate_sample to net80211
* Extend the net80211 rate control modules to (initially) support MCS rates

802.11n stuff:

* Look at what's needed for coding up TX aggregation, even if it's just a
placeholder per-TID struct pointer so ABI isn't changed after 9.0-RELEASE is

Misc stuff:

* Survey support - store per-channel busy statistics - percentage time spent
TX, RX, channel busy, ext channel busy (when doing HT/40)
* EVM support (even if it's just from the if_ath driver, I don't know of any
other chipsets that export EVM statistics)


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