Adding `branches' to VuXML
Robert Nagy
robert at
Thu May 6 09:34:17 PDT 2004
On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 18:18, Jacques A. Vidrine wrote:
> Hi All,
> Robert Nagy of OpenBSD requested the addition of `branches' to
> VuXML. I expected that he would be posting a proposal here, but since I
> haven't seen it I'll give it a shot on my own.
> In FreeBSD, we do not branch the Ports Collection like we do the base
> system. However, it seems that OpenBSD's Ports & Packages Collection
> *does* use branches. Thus, it is possible for a security issue to
> affect foo-1.1 in branch BRANCH_X, but not foo-1.1 in BRANCH_Y.
> Currently, it is not possible to express this in VuXML, short of
> maintaining separate VuXML files for each branch (e.g. branching the
> VuXML file, also).
> So, here is a suggested extension by example.
> The <package> element in VuXML 1.1 has two child elements, <name> and
> <range>. These behave as a kind of cross-product: it expresses that
> the affected packages are all of those combinations of name and range.
> e.g.
> <package>
> <name>foo</name>
> <name>bar</name>
> <range><ge>2.0</ge><lt>2.2</lt></range>
> <range><lt>1.5</lt></range>
> </package>
> expresses that these ranges are affected:
> foo < 1.5
> 2.0 <= foo < 2.2
> bar < 1.5
> 2.0 <= bar < 2.2
> (Note also that there can be multiple <package> elements for an issue.)
> So one possibility would be to add a <branch> child element:
> <!-- foo-1.1 and earlier on BRANCH_X and BRANCH_Y are
> affected. BRANCH_Z and others are not affected. --->
> <package>
> <branch>BRANCH_X</branch>
> <branch>BRANCH_Y</branch>
> <name>foo</name>
> <range><le>foo-1.1</le></range>
> <package>
> The content model for <package> and <system> are the same. I wonder if
> the optional presence of the <branch> child element for <system> will
> cause any confusion? Right now, for issues that affect the FreeBSD base
> system, we just use version numbers without reference to the branch.
> e.g.
> <system>
> <name>FreeBSD</name>
> <range><ge>5.0</ge><lt>5.2_6</lt></range>
> <range><ge>4.9</ge><lt>4.9_6</lt></range>
> <range><ge>4.0</ge><lt>4.8_19</lt></range>
> </system>
> Anyway ... comments?
Thanks. Sorry i totally forgot about this. I've shitloads to do. Yeah I
like it.
Robert Nagy
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