FreshPorts - VuXML tables - DDL + data

Dan Langille dan at
Fri Aug 27 04:07:09 PDT 2004

Here is the DDL I created this morning.  Note that some slight changes
have been made relative to the diagram I posted last night.  The diagram
is now out of date.

The rest of this message contains a sample vuxml entry followed by the DDL
to create the tables and populate it with a single VuXML entry.  It also
shows how I mark which packages are affected by a given vid (i.e. how I
populate the commit_log_ports_vuxml table).

I have created the code to display VuXML information, but at present, the
only data loaded is for

NOTE: I'm assuming there can be multiple VuXML entries for a given version
of a package/port.  However, there will be only one VuXML icon shown per
row of Commit History.  Look at the last commit on the page for a commit
which is affected by two VuXML entries (this is achieved with a fake VuXML
entry). select id, vid, topic from vuxml;
 id |                 vid                  |                    topic
  1 | c4b025bb-f05d-11d8-9837-000c41e2cdad | tnftpd -- remotely exploitable vulnerability
(1 row) select * from vuxml_affected;
 id | vuxml_id |  type
  1 |        1 | package
  2 |        1 | package
  3 |        1 | system

This vid affects two packages and relates to one system. select * from vuxml_names;
 id | vport_versionport_versionuxml_affected_id |   name
  1 |                 1 | tnftpd
  2 |                 2 | lukemftpd
  3 |                 3 | FreeBSD
(3 rows)

The packages and system are listed above. select * from vuxml_ranges;
 id | vuxml_name_id | range_operator_start | range_operator_end |
range_version_start | range_version_end
  7 |             1 |                      |                    | <                   | 20040810
  8 |             2 | >=                   | 0                  |                     |
  9 |             3 | >=                   | 4.7                |                     |
(3 rows)

These are the ranges related to each vuxml_affected row. select * from vuxml_references;
 vuxml_id |                                   reference
| type
        1 |          | url
        1 | | url
        1 |     | mlist
(3 rows)

Given the above information, here is one way to populate the
commit_log_ports_vuxml table. insert into commit_log_ports_vuxml (commit_log_id,
port_id, vuxml_id) select commit_log_id, port_id, 1 as vuxml_id from
commit_log_ports where port_id = (select id from ports_active where name =
'tnftpd') and port_version < '20040810';

DDL follows

create table vuxml
    id                    serial                not null,
    vid                   text                  not null,
    topic                 text                  not null,
    description           text                  not null,
    date_discovery        text                          ,
    date_entry            text                          ,
    date_modified         text                          ,
    status                char(1)               not null,
    primary key (id)

create table commit_log_ports_vuxml
    id                    serial                not null,
    commit_log_id         integer               not null,
    port_id               integer               not null,
    vuxml_id              integer               not null,
    primary key (id)

create table vuxml_ranges
    id                    serial                not null,
    vuxml_name_id         integer               not null,
    range_operator_start  text                          ,
    range_operator_end    text                          ,
    range_version_start   text                          ,
    range_version_end     text                          ,
    primary key (id)

create table vuxml_references
    vuxml_id              integer               not null,
    reference             text                  not null,
    type                  text                  not null,
    primary key (vuxml_id, reference)

create table vuxml_affected
    id                    serial                not null,
    vuxml_id              integer               not null,
    type                  text                  not null,
    primary key (id)

create table vuxml_names
    id                    serial                not null,
    vuxml_affected_id     integer               not null,
    name                  text                  not null,
    primary key (id)

alter table commit_log_ports_vuxml
    add foreign key  (vuxml_id)
       references vuxml (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;

alter table commit_log_ports_vuxml
    add foreign key  (port_id)
       references ports (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;

alter table commit_log_ports_vuxml
    add foreign key  (commit_log_id)
       references commit_log (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;
alter table vuxml_ranges
    add foreign key  (vuxml_name_id)
       references vuxml_names (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;

alter table vuxml_references
    add foreign key  (vuxml_id)
       references vuxml (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;

alter table vuxml_affected
    add foreign key  (vuxml_id)
       references vuxml (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;

alter table vuxml_names
    add foreign key  (vuxml_affected_id)
       references vuxml_affected (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;


Data follows:

delete from vuxml where id = 1;
insert into vuxml (id, vid, topic, description, date_discovery,
date_entry, date_modified, status) values
(1, 'c4b025bb-f05d-11d8-9837-000c41e2cdad', 'tnftpd -- remotely
exploitable vulnerability',
'        <p>lukemftpd(8) is an enhanced BSD FTP server produced
          within the NetBSD project.  The sources for lukemftpd are
          shipped with some versions of FreeBSD, however it is not
          built or installed by default.  The build system option
          WANT_LUKEMFTPD must be set to build and install lukemftpd.
          [<strong>NOTE</strong>: An exception is FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE,
          wherein lukemftpd was installed, but not enabled, by
        <p>Przemyslaw Frasunek discovered several vulnerabilities
          in lukemftpd arising from races in the out-of-band signal
          handling code used to implement the ABOR command.  As a
          result of these races, the internal state of the FTP server
          may be manipulated in unexpected ways.</p>
        <p>A remote attacker may be able to cause FTP commands to
          be executed with the privileges of the running lukemftpd
          process.  This may be a low-privilege ^Ftp\' user if the -r\'
          command line option is specified, or it may be superuser
          privileges if -r\' is *not* specified.</p>
', '2004-08-17', '2004-08-17', NULL, 'A');

insert into vuxml_references (vuxml_id, reference, type) values (1,
insert into vuxml_references (vuxml_id, reference, type) values (1,
insert into vuxml_references (vuxml_id, reference, type) values (1,

insert into vuxml_affected (id, vuxml_id, type) values (1, 1, 'package');
insert into vuxml_affected (id, vuxml_id, type) values (2, 1, 'package');
insert into vuxml_affected (id, vuxml_id, type) values (3, 1, 'system');

insert into vuxml_names (id, vuxml_affected_id, name) values (1, 1,
insert into vuxml_names (id, vuxml_affected_id, name) values (2, 2,

insert into vuxml_names (id, vuxml_affected_id, name) values (3, 3,

insert into vuxml_ranges (vuxml_name_id, range_operator_start,
range_version_start, range_version_end) values (1, NULL, NULL, '<',

insert into vuxml_ranges (vuxml_name_id, range_operator_start,
range_version_start, range_version_end) values (2, '>=', '0', NULL, NULL);

insert into vuxml_ranges (vuxml_name_id, range_operator_start,
range_version_start, range_version_end) values (3, '>=', '4.7', NULL,

Dan Langille -

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