Bhyve and Ubuntu booting

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Sun Feb 23 16:51:37 UTC 2014

On 23-2-2014 17:40, Peter Grehan wrote:
>> vm exit rdmsr 0xc0010015, cpu 0
>> ---
>> And I've seen discussions in other threads about reading/writing cpu
>> registers where some bits should be 0, but trap when being set....
>> (Or something close to this...???)
>> So it could again be due to the amdsrc tree differences?
>  It's Linux accessing different MSRs on AMD as opposed to Intel. There
> is an option to ignore unknown MSRs with bhyve, but that probably
> shouldn't be used on AMD systems until we've worked out if the MSRs need
> to be emulated or not. Hopefully that will be in the next updated :)

It's a toy box here so if anything needs to be tested, worked out.
Just let me know. And I'm willing to run the risk of lost work, because
using the ignore option bites me....

So if you want me to see how we fare, ..


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