You stealing money from your family when you do that

Maya Khalifa mail at
Sat Nov 5 01:39:53 UTC 2016

My Friend

sorry to tell you that but you keep wasting your money on ways not going to make you much money and spending more in traffic and not following up probably
listen ...
There is no such thing as EASY money... why does everyone keep on going on about it?
Why does everyone keep banging on about easy money - there is no such thing.

I am all for the idea of making an easy buck one way or another but the truth is, it doesnt come easy. Even those of you out there making the big bucks now would have had to start somewhere.. it didnt just start out of a big puff of smoke.

There seems to be a few people out there touting that you can make piles of money without basically working more than a few hours a week.

Granted I understand if you're an investor and you have worked your tail off for years and years and youre sitting on some solid investments that provide good returns that's one thing and I know in some cases this is a similar set up in IM, the crux of the matter is, there would have had to have been some bloody hard work behind the scenes to get there.

While its hard to not get distracted by the gurus, Id prefer to hear the realistic side of the business and not the lofty millionaire stories of the super rich telling me that my bank account is about to go gangbusters if I start selling one simple product.

Lets be honest, the path to success is time-consuming and like every other job you have to start from the bottom and make your way up.. this process can take years and it aint all going to be easy.

My take on this (and I am only early into running my own business) would be to aim to do the following:

•	Maintain a slow pattern of growth and refine your service as you grow so you can recognize and react to opportunities
•	Invest in support whether it be casual or part time etc as you need it - human capital will be needed at some point- not everything can be automated
•	Make sure your cash flow is working for your business
•	Have a plan for your business - dont just fly by the seat of your pants

The idea of responsible speed of growth is something I really like the sound of - but thats a discussion for another time.

Whats your take - are you REALLY making easy money.. or is it all a bit of a show..

YOU + 22maya dot com = Better Together

feel free  telling us what price you have in mind
i will give you bundle offer if you pick more than one course
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remember I'm only her to help me make more of yourself :-)
Awaiting your requests
Your reliable friend

P.S. Time is of the essence on this one because this offer will end soon

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