Manchester BSDUG - This Tuesday

Paul Robinson paul at
Thu Jul 27 09:08:18 UTC 2006

Yes, it's that time of the month again, it's time for the Manchester,  
UK BSD User Group meeting, aka MGGD (Mancunian Geeks Get Drunk).

Our new venue is the Briton's Protection on Great Bridgewater Street  
in Manchester, and the date will be Tuesday 1st August. Normally  
drinking and strange geeky conversation begins around 7:30pm.

This month, I may not be able to attend for work reasons, but will do  
my best. As ever, if the weather is nice, head for the beer garden.  
If it isn't there are two rooms around the back of the bar we could  
be in.

Also, a head-count would again be useful so we know who is likely to  
turn up to see if it's worth it.

Sorry about the lateness and terseness of this reply compared to  
normal, but busy, busy, busy, busy.

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