lazarus flash drive

Nikos Vassiliadis nvass at
Thu Apr 4 21:41:09 UTC 2019

On 4/4/19 12:43 PM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> Hi,
> On 4/4/19 10:44 AM, Nikos Vassiliadis wrote:
>> or unplugging it may cause it to come back to
>> life?
> Try unplugging it first. It might be the flash stick's firmware is stuck.
> USB_ERR_IOERROR in this case means the device is not responding to
> SET_ADDRESS, which is not allowed according to the USB spec.
> --HPS

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I will ask them to unplug it. I was
hoping that I could reset it somehow from within the system because
people there are not computer savvy.


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