USB issues with 12.0

Florian Schulze mail at
Tue Apr 2 14:49:33 UTC 2019

On 2 Apr 2019, at 15:25, Warner Losh wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 2, 2019, 1:52 AM Hans Petter Selasky <hps at> 
> wrote:
>> On 4/2/19 8:22 AM, Florian Schulze wrote:
>>> Only difference is that the text for the Kindle is rearranged:
>>> ugen1.2: <Linux 2.6.31-rt11-lab126 with fsl-usb2-udc RNDIS/Ethernet
>>> Gadget> at usbus1, cfg=1 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (2mA)
>> Hi,
>> Try to get more info on this device by "usbconfig -d 1.2 show_ifdrv"

I got this on 10.3. No data yet for 12.0, most likely tomorrow morning 

# usbconfig -d 1.2 show_ifdrv
ugen1.2: <RNDISEthernet Gadget Linux 2.6.31-rt11-lab126 with 
fsl-usb2-udc> at usbus1, cfg=1 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (2mA)
ugen1.2.1: cdce0: <Linux 2.6.31-rt11-lab126 with fsl-usb2-udc 
RNDISEthernet Gadget, class 2/0, rev 2.00/3.25, addr 2>

# usbconfig -d 3.4 show_ifdrv
ugen3.4: <Arduino Leonardo Arduino LLC> at usbus3, cfg=0 md=HOST 
spd=FULL (12Mbps) pwr=ON (500mA)
ugen3.4.0: uarduno0: <Arduino LLC Arduino Leonardo, class 239/2, rev 
2.00/1.00, addr 4>

> Kldstat will tell you that. Is there a linker.hints in both 
> /boot/kernel
> and /boot/modules?

Yes, linker.hints is in /boot/kernel and /boot/modules for both 10.3 and 

The kldstat gave me a clue on why Arduino might fail. Initially I 
complied uarduno myself, because I didn't realize it's in pkg. That 
seems to be the one in /boot/kernel. It looks like the one from pkg in 
/boot/modules isn't used on 10.3. Because I have a clone, I might have 
changed the device list in uarduno when I compiled it myself. Because 
the self compiled one still is in use, it might be that an out of the 
box uarduno on 12.0 doesn't work for me. When I try next time, I will 
move the possibly self compiled uarduno in 10.3 away to check that 

This still doesn't explain why the Kindle doesn't work.

> It might have something to do with devd, that the driver is not
>> automatically loaded.
> I was just thinking that based on other things said...

Any tips on what to look for there?

Thanks for the help so far!

Florian Schulze

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