[Bug 231076] libusb_cancel_transfer() does NOT cancel a transfer after the USB device is removed

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Tue Sep 4 16:42:30 UTC 2018


--- Comment #5 from Ludovic Rousseau <ludovic.rousseau+freebsd at gmail.com> ---
I get log message when using libusb_set_debug(ctx, LIBUSB_DEBUG_FUNCTION);

After I remove the device I get:
LIBUSB_FUNCTION: libusb10_handle_events_sub enter
04338703 hotplug_libusb.c:626:HPRemoveHotPluggable() Removing USB device[0]:
00000009 readerfactory.c:610:RFRemoveReader() UnrefReader() count was: 1
00000003 eventhandler.c:175:EHDestroyEventHandler() Stomping thread.
00000005 ifdhandler.c:381:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB1,
usb:2406/6407:libusb-1.0:0:2:0 (lun: 0)
00000003 ifdhandler.c:381:IFDHGetCapabilities() tag: 0xFB2,
usb:2406/6407:libusb-1.0:0:2:0 (lun: 0)
00000004 eventhandler.c:200:EHDestroyEventHandler() Request stopping of polling
00000004 ifdhandler.c:346:IFDHStopPolling() usb:2406/6407:libusb-1.0:0:2:0
(lun: 0)
00000003 ccid_usb.c:1399:InterruptStop() uxfer->dev_handle: 0x28c0c9c0
LIBUSB_FUNCTION: libusb_cancel_transfer enter
LIBUSB_FUNCTION: libusb_cancel_transfer leave
00000010 ccid_usb.c:1403:InterruptStop() libusb_cancel_transfer failed:

I guess I now have to instrument libusb to get more logs.
How can I rebuild libusb?

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