[Bug 222646] ukbd(4): support Consumer Control based multimedia keys

bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org bugzilla-noreply at freebsd.org
Fri Sep 29 22:04:27 UTC 2017


--- Comment #4 from Vladimir Kondratyev <wulf at freebsd.org> ---
(In reply to Greg V from comment #3)
> Pressing both volume buttons on my mouse results in the two keys pressed-released in order.
Did you observed it with evemu or with libinput? Please use former as it
connects directly to input device and gives raw data.

> Some devices *might* support simultaneous presses of multiple media keys, but I think in that case, we would just lose the extra key presses.
I recently implemented evdev support for consumer page for bluetooth keyboards
(not publicly available yet) and found out that my bt-keyboard loses *release*
events on simultaneous presses as it is unable to report "which key has been
depressed" at HID-protocol level. It is capable only to say that "last/all key
has been depressed" so my driver has to generate release event at next
interrupt at his own. I do not see how your patch does such "autorelease".
Maybe ukbd does this automagically? I should look deeper in its internals.
Unfortunately I cant do hardware testing now

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