Patch to allow dynamic USB quirks at boot
Hans Petter Selasky
hp at
Mon Sep 21 06:49:48 UTC 2015
On 09/20/15 23:42, Maxime Soulé wrote:
> Hi all,
> I own a X9800 Tecknet mouse with 3 side buttons. When I plug it in, a
> ukbd device appears handling each 3 buttons with key modifiers Control,
> Shift and Alt, with one device uhid.
> As I wanted to see these buttons as buttons under X and not as key
> modifiers, I first thought about using USB quirk UQ_KBD_IGNORE and devd
> to hack it. I succeeded (more or less) but devd starts to late during
> boot to be able to apply the quirk when the mouse is already plugged in,
> so I needed to always plug the mouse in once the system has booted...
> Not very cool...
> When the USB quirk UQ_KBD_IGNORE is applied, the ukbd device does not
> appear, but two uhid devices appear, including the one dedicated to the
> "keyboard" feature of the mouse.
> During my searches on the net, I found the Bug 122819 in which Maurice
> Castro implemented dynamic quirks in 2008, allowing quirks to be defined
> dynamically and also through the environment. Unfortunately, this code
> was for the old USB 1 stack.
> Indeed, the new USB 2 stack allows dynamic additions to the quirk table,
> but not at boot time (or I did not find the way).
> So, I made a patch, with the help of Maurice one, allowing the
> modification of the quirks table through the environment:
Can you make this patch into a PR at FreeBSD's bugzilla and I will
process it. Yes, I've been thinking about this feature, and you just
implemented it! Thank you :-)
> Now in my loader.conf, I have:
> usb.quirk.0="0x04d9 0xfa50 0 0xffff UQ_KBD_IGNORE"
> The value format is "VendorId ProductId LowRevision HighRevision
> Quirk1,...,QuirkN".
> One can have usb.quirk.1, .2, ..., .99 if there is enough space in the
> quirks table...
> In a devd conf file:
> notify 1000 {
> match "system" "DEVFS";
> match "subsystem" "CDEV";
> match "type" "CREATE";
> match "cdev" "uhid[0-9]+";
> action "/usr/bin/usbhidctl -f /dev/$cdev \
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftShift \
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftAlt \
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftControl > /dev/null 2>&1 \
> && DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/usbhidaction -f $cdev \
> -c /usr/local/etc/tecknet-mouse-usbhidaction.conf \
> -p /var/run/usbhidaction.$";
> };
> The usbhidctl is to check that we handle the right uhid device, the one
> with Keyboard_LeftShift, Keyboard_LeftAlt AND Keyboard_LeftControl
> features. Then, usbhidaction daemon can be launched to handle all the
> "keyboard" events.
> And the contents of my /usr/local/etc/tecknet-mouse-usbhidaction.conf file:
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftShift 1 0 /usr/local/bin/xdotool mousedown 8
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftShift 0 1 /usr/local/bin/xdotool mouseup 8
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftAlt 1 0 /usr/local/bin/xdotool mousedown 9
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftAlt 0 1 /usr/local/bin/xdotool mouseup 9
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftControl 1 0 /usr/local/bin/xdotool mousedown 6
> Keyboard:Keyboard_LeftControl 0 1 /usr/local/bin/xdotool mouseup 6
> to translate "keyboard" actions to buttons clicks thanks to xdotool
> (from ports).
> And all works like a charm :)
> Finally, I have two questions:
> First, is there a way to link the uhid device with the USB
> vendor/product ID in devd? Without doing it using a script and parsing
> devinfo output of course...
> Second, when I unplug the mouse, devd did not receive the "DESTROY"
> event for the uhid device, until the usbhidaction daemon is killed. But
> I would have liked to be able to kill usbhidaction daemon automatically
> when the mouse is unplugged using devd... With USB vendor/product
> details available at uhid level, I could have done it when the
> corresponding ugen device is DETACHed by caching this information...
There is a chicken-egg situation there. If your application using
/dev/uhidX doesn't close its device upon receiving a read/poll error,
you might not receive the detach event, depending on which kernel you
use, because the kernel waits for /dev/uhidX to be detached/closed
before generating the destruction event.
You might want to listen to some other events. See how
/usr/local/etc/devd/webcamd.conf is doing it from
/usr/ports/multimedia/webcamd .
> Best regards,
> Max.
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