libusb and non-root access problem

Lundberg, Johannes johannes at
Sun Sep 14 05:38:46 UTC 2014

Thanks Hans for prompt reply, as always.

I reverse engineered a driver by sniffing USB traffic. The first two things
this driver did was SET_CONFIG and SET_INTERFACE.  My implementation worked
fine under Linux but stumbled onto this (permission) problem on FreeBSD.

However, it seems to work fine if I skip the SET_CONFIG and SET_INTERFACE
calls so I can use my driver as normal user.


On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 11:00 PM, Hans Petter Selasky <hps at>

> On 09/13/14 14:04, Lundberg, Johannes wrote:
>> Hi
>> I tried now for hours but no luck with this.. I have a special usb device
>> to which I connect with libusb. Everything works find as root but I can
>> seem to be able to access with normal user no matter how I configure
>> devfs.
>> I changed both conf and rules and even set myself as owner and group and
>> 777 permission to /dev/ugen* /dev/usb and /dev/usb/* but no luck...
>> I can connect to the device and claim interface but then it fails at the
>> first libusb_control_transfer with error -4
>> I have done this before without problems. I am running the newest
>> 11-CURRENT snapshot so could there be any bug that causes this or has
>> anything changed in configurations?
>> Grateful for any advice...
>> --
>> Johannes Lundberg
> Hi,
> You only need to "chmod /dev/usb/X.Y.0" .
> Some control transfers are always restricted to root user:
>         /*
>          * Avoid requests that would damage the bus integrity:
>          */
>         if (((req->bmRequestType == UT_WRITE_DEVICE) &&
>             (req->bRequest == UR_SET_ADDRESS)) ||
>             ((req->bmRequestType == UT_WRITE_DEVICE) &&
>             (req->bRequest == UR_SET_CONFIG)) ||
>             ((req->bmRequestType == UT_WRITE_INTERFACE) &&
>             (req->bRequest == UR_SET_INTERFACE))) {
>                 /*
>                  * These requests can be useful for testing USB drivers.
>                  */
>                 error = priv_check(curthread, PRIV_DRIVER);
>                 if (error) {
>                         return (error);
>                 }
>         }
> You need to use their libusb counterpart to avoid problems!
> --HPS

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