
kott kmatpral at
Wed Dec 24 03:41:52 UTC 2014

the value of "r0" is 0.

_ehci_append_qh: 0xf3dd2300 to 0xf3dc3c00
Kernel page fault with the following non-sleepable locks held:
exclusive sleep mutex ehci0 (usb_def_mtx) r = 0 (0xc73ece74) locked
exclusive sleep mutex USB device mutex (USB device mutex) r = 0 (0xc73da850)
locked sys/de/usb/usb_transfer.c

Fatal kernel mode data abort: 'Translation Fault (S)'
trapframe: 0xf3de6be0
FSR=00000005, FAR=00000018, spsr=60000113
r0 =00000000, r1 =60000113, r2 =000000c0, r3 =00fd2302
r4 =f3dd2300, r5 =f3dc3c00, r6 =c12b244c, r7 =c76420c0
r8 =c73ed2a8, r9 =00000000, r10=c7642000, r11=f3de6c3c
r12=f3de6c40, ssp=f3de6c30, slr=c105ec48, pc =c1069e34

Stopped at      usb_pc_cpu_flush+0xc:   ldr     r2, [r0, #0x018]

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