usb/179505: Kernel detaches Arduino Leonardo (and similar) board umodem after the arduino boots

Hans Petter Selasky hps at
Fri Jun 28 09:10:01 UTC 2013

The following reply was made to PR usb/179505; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Hans Petter Selasky <hps at>
To: Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Cc: freebsd-gnats-submit at
Subject: Re: usb/179505: Kernel detaches Arduino Leonardo (and similar) board
 umodem after the arduino boots
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 11:09:07 +0200

 Hi Mike,
 I was not able to reproduce this issue yet. From the logs you sent I see:
 That the INTERRUPT endpoint is stalling:
 Then the USB stack will try to clear the stall. And the clearing of 
 stall also fails:
 These messages are mandatory to implement per specifications. 
 And I know Linux and Windows does not use these very much. In other 
 words I looks like the Arduino could need some more USB certification!
 After a given amount of stalling, the FreeBSD USB stack will reset the 
 device, which gives you the re-enumeration you are observing.
 This case can be prevented by setting:
 sysctl hw.usb.no_cs_fail=1
 Then try again!

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