usb/174254: MIDI keyboard not recognised
Walter C. Pelissero
walter at
Fri Dec 7 11:00:01 UTC 2012
The following reply was made to PR usb/174254; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: walter at (Walter C. Pelissero)
To: Hans Petter Selasky <hselasky at>
Cc: freebsd-usb at, FreeBSD-gnats-submit at
Subject: Re: usb/174254: MIDI keyboard not recognised
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 11:59:25 +0100
Hans Petter Selasky writes:
> On Friday 07 December 2012 11:32:12 Walter C. Pelissero wrote:
> > Hans Petter Selasky writes:
> > > Can you try this:
> > >
> > > usbconfig -d 2.4 add_quirk UQ_AU_VENDOR_CLASS
> > >
> > > Then replug the device?
> >
> > Forgot to mention I had already tried:
> >
> > # usbconfig add_dev_quirk_vplh 0x0499 0x1037 0x0000 0xffff
> >
> > to no effect.
> >
> > # usbconfig dump_device_quirks | fgrep 499
> > VID=0x0499 PID=0x1037 REVLO=0x0000 REVHI=0xffff QUIRK=UQ_AU_VENDOR_CLASS
> Can you dump the configuration descriptor of your device using usbconfig -d
> X.Y dump_curr_config_desc ?
# usbconfig -d ugen2.4 dump_curr_config_desc
ugen2.4: <DigitalKBD YAMAHA Corporation> at usbus2, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL (12Mbps) pwr=ON
Configuration index 0
bLength = 0x0009
bDescriptorType = 0x0002
wTotalLength = 0x0036
bNumInterfaces = 0x0001
bConfigurationValue = 0x0001
iConfiguration = 0x0000 <no string>
bmAttributes = 0x00c0
bMaxPower = 0x0000
Interface 0
bLength = 0x0009
bDescriptorType = 0x0004
bInterfaceNumber = 0x0000
bAlternateSetting = 0x0000
bNumEndpoints = 0x0002
bInterfaceClass = 0x00ff
bInterfaceSubClass = 0x0000
bInterfaceProtocol = 0x00ff
iInterface = 0x0000 <no string>
Additional Descriptor
bLength = 0x07
bDescriptorType = 0x24
bDescriptorSubType = 0x01
RAW dump:
0x00 | 0x07, 0x24, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x24, 0x00
Additional Descriptor
bLength = 0x06
bDescriptorType = 0x24
bDescriptorSubType = 0x02
RAW dump:
0x00 | 0x06, 0x24, 0x02, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00
Additional Descriptor
bLength = 0x09
bDescriptorType = 0x24
bDescriptorSubType = 0x03
RAW dump:
0x00 | 0x09, 0x24, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
0x08 | 0x00
Endpoint 0
bLength = 0x0007
bDescriptorType = 0x0005
bEndpointAddress = 0x0001 <OUT>
bmAttributes = 0x0002 <BULK>
wMaxPacketSize = 0x0040
bInterval = 0x0000
bRefresh = 0x0000
bSynchAddress = 0x0000
Endpoint 1
bLength = 0x0007
bDescriptorType = 0x0005
bEndpointAddress = 0x0082 <IN>
bmAttributes = 0x0002 <BULK>
wMaxPacketSize = 0x0040
bInterval = 0x0000
bRefresh = 0x0000
bSynchAddress = 0x0000
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