usb/158650: uplcom USB To COM Device doesn't transmit data, only receive

Hans Petter Selasky hselasky at
Wed Jul 6 07:10:12 UTC 2011

The following reply was made to PR usb/158650; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Hans Petter Selasky <hselasky at>
To: Renato Tambellini <rtsanch at>
Cc: freebsd-usb at,
 freebsd-gnats-submit at
Subject: Re: usb/158650: uplcom USB To COM Device doesn't transmit data, only receive
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2011 08:59:58 +0200

 On Tuesday 05 July 2011 17:31:36 Renato Tambellini wrote:
 > Hi Hans,
 > I'm trying to transmit data to an serial console on another machine
 > and nothing happens
 > when I send data, the same occur when I use fldigi to control my
 > amateur radio transceiver and use a serial mouse attached to the USB
 > to COM serial port.
 > In my old machine that was a FreeBSD 6, the device worked normally via
 > ucom driver. After sent this PR, I update my kernel to the latest
 > source with csup and the problem has worsened. Now when the program
 > wait a response of the radio, the device is disconnected by kernel.
 > Lots of messages generated by kernel:
 > uplcom0: at uhub3, port 2, addr 5 (disconnected)
 > uplcom0: <Prolific Technology Inc. USB 2.0 To COM Device, class 0/0,
 > rev 1.10/3.00, addr 5> on usbus1
 > This usbdump.txt was recorded when I use fldigi to get the radio
 > transceiver frequency.
 It looks like your application is only opening and closing the comport.
 Try also to enable ucom debugging:
 sysctl hw.usb.ucom.debug=15

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