/dev/ugen*.* modes

Zeus V Panchenko zeus at ibs.dn.ua
Mon Jul 4 06:25:28 UTC 2011


how can i set /dev/ugen*.* mode and owner to allow not root to r/w
the device?

when i plug my photo camera i have to change the mode 666 to access it

i was trying it in /etc/devfs.conf:

own     ugen0.1 zeus:staff
own     ugen0.2 zeus:staff
own     ugen2.4 zeus:staff

perm    ugen0.1 0660
perm    ugen0.2 0660
perm    ugen2.4 0660

and after device plugged in, the owner changes to toor:operator ...

Zeus V. Panchenko
JID:zeus at gnu.org.ua			      	        GMT+2 (EET)

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