USB drives still don't work correctly

Donald Allen donaldcallen at
Wed Sep 22 19:45:52 UTC 2010

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Marcin Cieslak <saper at> wrote:
>>> Donald Allen <donaldcallen at> wrote:
>> After the above, if I remove the USB connector and plug it back in, X
>> freezes (the cursor moves with the mouse, but no response to clicks,
>> or to keyboard gestures) until I remove the connector.
> Can you try this without running X (or just switch to the first text console
> with Ctrl-Alt-F1) before you do the test.
> When you unplug, what happens? Do you get kernel panic or the system just freezes?

I tried this on a freshly booted system, logged in, but did not start
X, as you requested. When I plugged in the drive, after a little
delay, I got the same "AutoSense failed" chatter. I then unplugged the
drive and the system seemed happy -- no panic. I plugged the drive
back in and tried to run 'dmesg', which hung. Wondering if I should
have tried the dmesg before plugging the drive back in, I tried
'reboot', which also hung. Eventually some timeouts went off and the
system tried to reboot, but hung while doing that. I had to
power-cycle the machine to bring it back up. It had not properly
umount-ed the file-systems, so fsck-ed them when restarted. I waited
for that to complete and then repeated the experiment a little more

- plugged in the drive, got the 'AutoSense failed'. I ran dmesg, which
worked correctly.
- unplugged the drive, ran dmesg, worked correctly.
- plugged the drive back in, ran dmesg, which hung (something locked
in the kernel?). I then unplugged the drive, which I hadn't done the
first time, and dmesg completed. I was then able to reboot the system
normally, no fsck-ing.


> //Marcin
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